Lisa B.

Lisa B. has been an educator for nearly 30 years. She is currently a certified Reiki Master attuned to all three levels of reiki. Lisa is an empath and intuit whose life path and desire is to help others.

Aside from being a Reiki Master/Practitioner, Lisa is also a certified yoga instructor who maintains a daily practice of yoga, meditation, and self-reiki. This enables her to be a clear channel for divine energy while healing her clients during a reiki session.

Throughout the session, Lisa can connect with her spirit guides and angels to give each client the healing he or she is meant to receive.

Reiki Master

Yoga Instructor


What My Clients Say About Me

“My experience from the reiki session was profoundly positive. I found the reiki to be healing and calming. Reiki helps the body and mind to feel at ease.”
Michael DeMeo